經濟時事 川普大叔英文教室



President Obama made a desperate and terrible deal with Iran - Gave them 150 Billion Dollars plus I.8 Billion Dollars in CASH! Iran was in big trouble and he bailed them out. Gave them a free path to Nuclear Weapons, and SOON. Instead of saying thank you, Iran yelled Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified by Congress, and imposed strong sanctions. They are a much weakened nation today than at the beginning of my Presidency, when they were causing major problems throughout the Middle East. Now they are Bust! On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone. I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!


歐巴馬總統與伊朗達成一項非常糟糕且可怕的交易,給他們(伊朗)1,500 億美元加上 18 億美元現金!伊朗在陷入巨大困境時,他(歐巴馬)將他們(伊朗)救出來,給他們(伊朗)一條通往核子武器的自由之路,而且很快速。伊朗沒有感謝美國,而是將死神招喚到美國。我終止連國會都還沒有批准的協議,並且實施強力制裁。如今他們(伊朗)是一個弱化的國家,並非是從我擔任總統開始,而是當他們在中東地區到處造成重大問題起,現在他們陷入失敗的境地。星期一他們擊落一架在國際水域上方飛行的無人機,槍已上膛刀已出鞘(cocked & loaded),昨晚當我問起在 3 個地方進行報復,會有多少人死亡,一位將軍回答:先生,150 人。在執行攻擊前 10 分鐘,我喊停了,這與擊落無人機不成比率。我不急,我們軍隊是改造的,新式的,並且準備好的,是當今全世界最好的。昨晚過後制裁只會越來越嚴厲,伊朗絕對不能擁有核子武器,不能對抗美國,也不能對抗全世界。

圖片來自 freepik

